Vető Orsolya Lia’s exhibition Plantscape opens on the 10th of June, 2016. The works on display in this exhibition are connected to a type of objecthood, a relation to space. The two dimensional artworks are accompanied by objects which are varied both in format and medium.
“The models of my paintings are on the dividing line between the animate and the inanimate: fruit or cut flowers. I want to depict the still lifes in their full glory, to conserve their vitality and beauty. While I’m painting this I become aware of their mortality: flower heads collapse, petals fall, a neon coloured banana starts getting riddled with brown spots.
In a bouquet flowers are arranged in an artificial system. The flowers which grew up in different soils, are next to each other, offering us a luxurious aspect of nature. We can look at them as beautiful objects, with sculptural qualities until they reveal their relationship with time and mortality. With my brushstrokes I try to emphasise the animate quality, the organic movement, which is fuelled by the presence of the depicted model The enlargement of the motifs and the all-overness of the image makes the painting lose its hierarchic system. The flowers become abstract and as they line up next to each other they disturb the logical sense of space. The loss of proportion makes the flowers lose their framed quality, their conceptual outlines. The change in perspective objectifies and also brings the model into a sensual closeness. My compositions are transformed into micro jungles.”
Opening: 10th of June, 2016, Friday 18.30
The exhibition can by viewed: 10th of July 2016. with previous arrangements